Process Flow To Purchase The Product & Service

Process Flow To Purchase The Product & Service – End to End
To place an order for any of the user needs to signup before purchasing. After signup user needs to select ‘Subscription’ based digital products or ‘lifetime access’ based digital products from the shop page & add the desired digital product to the cart.
After adding the product to the cart. Customer needs to proceed to checkout to complete the ordering process.
At the checkout page, user needs to provide their details like first and last name, company name(optional), billing email, mobile number & address. After providing the details, user selected the payment method to complete the payment for the order.
Once the payment method is selected, user reaches to the order completion page displaying his/her Order ID & transaction ID for the payment along with the order details.
User is also notified about the order details & payment receipts via email & WhatsApp & product download links alongwith activation key via email.